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Home Services Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Palo Alto, CA

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Palo Alto provided by at

Wisdom Teeth Extraction at Palo Alto Oral Health, Palo Alto, CAImpacted wisdom teeth can lead to many oral health complications if left untreated for too long.

Although the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth vary from mild to severe, most people are recommended to get them removed by their dentist. This is to preserve oral health of the patient and prevent future complications.

At Palo Alto Oral Health, our doctors has many years of experience in treating patients with impacted wisdom teeth.

Whether you are experiencing mild or severe symptoms like excruciating pain and swelling, our team will ensure you have a smooth and comfortable experience with your wisdom teeth treatment.

The surgical process to remove impacted wisdom teeth is fairly common. In fact, most people get them removed even if their impacted teeth are not causing any issues as a preventative measure.

Since they are vestigial, extracting your wisdom teeth does not harm your oral or general health. At Palo Alto Oral Health , we take great pride in educating our patients. If you have any questions about wisdom tooth extraction surgery, give us a call today.

Why You May Need To Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impaction happens when a tooth does not have enough room in the oral cavity to grow properly. This can lead to either the tooth getting stuck in the gumline or coming out crooked.

In both scenarios, patients may experience mild to severe symptoms. In some cases, the teeth may come in at an angle towards the second molar or towards the back of the mouth. This can put pressure on the nearby molars, moving them out of place and affecting their strength.

In other cases, the wisdom teeth may remain trapped in their sac which can get filled with fluid, thereby leading to cyst formation. If untreated, this can lead to tooth infection and gum disease.

While there are some cases in which impacted teeth do not hurt or cause any irregularities for patients, in most cases, patients can experience severe pain, swelling, bleeding gums, and many more symptoms.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth will vary from patient to patient. Mild symptoms may include slight pain, trapped food or debris, bad breath, and discomfort while chewing. You can treat these by either talking to your dentist about them or using over-the-counter pain relievers.

Severe symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include acute pain, swelling around the gums, bleeding gums, tooth decay, development of cysts, and complications with nearby healthy teeth.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best you get in touch with your dentist right away. While most symptoms feel nominal in the beginning, wisdom teeth complications can advance overnight leading to a dental emergency.

We will evaluate your oral cavity for any damage and proceed accordingly towards an appropriate treatment plan. Although it is hard to accurately predict whether impacted wisdom teeth could cause problems in the future, they are still capable of harboring disease. Their location makes it hard to clean them properly with regular brushing, which puts them at risk of decay.

Risks Associated

In most cases, impacted wisdom teeth do not lead to any long-term complications. However, many studies indicate that bad oral health has a direct correlation to heart disease. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to oral health complications which can also affect your general health.

Besides that, major risks associated with impacted teeth include infection spreading to nearby teeth, dry sockets that are painful, consistent bad breath, and damage to nearby tissues and bone.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

When you come into our outpatient care for a wisdom tooth extraction procedure, we will start with a comprehensive oral exam. This will help us determine the extent of impaction so we can plan our next steps accordingly.

One of our oral surgeons will administer the agreed upon anesthetic to numb the area so you feel comfortable throughout the surgery.

You may be given one of the three major types of anesthetics: local, IV sedation, or general. Local anesthesia is the least potent out of all of the options.

They are injected into the site of extraction to numb the area temporarily. You will stay awake while under anesthesia and may feel some pressure and movement during the surgery.

IV sedation will likely suppress your consciousness. This is mostly recommended if the patient has dental anxiety or fear of intrusive surgeries.

However with general anesthesia, you will lose consciousness and may not register most of the events while the surgery is being performed. Our team will closely monitor your vitals including temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure to ensure that you are in a stable condition.

The surgery for extracting wisdom teeth usually lasts between 30 to 40 minutes. An oral surgeon will make a cut in your gums to expose the teeth and loosen them to prepare them for extraction.

If the impacted teeth are stuck beneath the gum line, they may need to be broken down into smaller pieces before removing them.

Once the teeth are removed, the site will be cleaned thoroughly and stitches will be placed to close the wound.

After the Procedure

You may still feel a bit drowsy and disoriented from the anesthesia for a few hours after surgery. Slight pain and swelling around the mouth is also common and should lessen as time goes by.

Some patients might also experience some bleeding from the site on the first day. Try not to spit, or drink hot or cold drinks within the first 24 hours. This could dislodge the blood clot from its place.

You may be prescribed pain relievers and non-steroidal muscle relaxants if the pain persists or gets any worse. Use ice packs on the area to reduce swelling on the first day.

While many people are fit to continue work and other daily activities on the same day, you must avoid strenuous activities as it could dislodge the blood clots.

Drink plenty of water but avoid anything too hot or cold. Carbonated beverages and alcohol should strictly be avoided in the first 24 hours. Do not drink with a straw as it could put extra pressure on the wound.

When it comes to diet, eat only soft foods like applesauce or mashed potatoes. Avoid hard, chewy, or spicy foods as they might irritate the wounds.

Call Us For Help Today!

At Palo Alto Oral Health, we can treat your impacted wisdom teeth as well as provide other general dentistry procedures. To book an appointment with us over the phone, you can reach us at (650) 321-9693.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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Palo Alto, CA 94306-2548

C1264 PAOH button for phone at double resolution (650) 321-9693
Palo Alto Oral Health | paloaltooralhealth.com | (650) 321-9693
2875 Middlefield Rd Suite #1, Palo Alto, CA 94306
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Palo Alto CA
Wisdom teeth causing you pain or discomfort? At Palo Alto Oral Health, we are experts in tooth extraction. Call us to schedule your appointment at: (650) 250-4350.
Palo Alto Oral Health, 2875 Middlefield Rd Suite #1, Palo Alto, CA 94306 + (650) 321-9693 + paloaltooralhealth.com + 1/27/2025 + Related Terms: dentist Palo Alto CA +