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Home For Patients Dental Blog The Dangers of DIY Braces

The Dangers of DIY Braces

Posted on 4/25/2022 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
The Dangers of DIY BracesToday the internet is full of free information, and while some benefit from the free information, this may not be the case for you. Some information is misguided and can lead to severe consequences in the long run. Many people have claimed to fix their teeth with DIY braces, but what you need to know is that repairing crooked teeth is not an easy journey or process. Along the way, you may develop complications that will lead to expensive treatments if you rely on DIY braces. Therefore, it is crucial to get help from your dentist if you have crooked teeth.

What Are DIY Braces And Do They Work?

DIY braces are made at home using simple household equipment like paper clips, rubber bands, fishing lines, and earring backs. But what most people do not realize is that DIY braces can be very dangerous for their dental health. Some tiny objects used to make the braces can stick inside the gums, leading to expensive surgeries.

Braces are not only meant to seal gaps in your teeth. They are also meant to straighten your lower and upper jaw. This means that they have to manipulate your bone growth to straighten your teeth successfully. Sometimes DIY braces may not work as expected. They might change the bite position, especially when one part of the mouth is not well straightened. This can be irreversible and lead to more damage to your teeth and gums.

Other Dangers of Using DIY Braces

DIY braces can help but not as much as your dentist's braces. Sometimes they may not work and can cause pain around your jawbones. Apart from that, they will cause teeth to wear, tooth sensitivity, tooth loss, form new gaps, and cause serious infections in your mouth. This is because foreign objects and metals may not be suitable for your gum tissue and mouth, which can easily cause reactions. Understand that your skin may be allergic to some metals and materials you may use to make the DIY braces. Our dentists know which metals are best to use on your teeth and mouth. Therefore, you should make a point to come and see us before making DIY braces.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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