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Home For Patients Dental Blog Mistakes We Make When Brushing and Flossing and How to Fix Them

Mistakes We Make When Brushing and Flossing and How to Fix Them

Posted on 3/8/2021 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
Mistakes We Make When Brushing and Flossing and How to Fix ThemIn order to keep a healthy smile on your face, brushing and flossing have to be part of your regular routine. Although brushing is quite rudimentary, it should always be done right. Here are a few mistakes we often make and how to rectify them.

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

Having the right toothbrush can mean the difference between a good and a great smile. Your toothbrush is a highly personal tool, and as such, you should always have one that fits your needs. The toothbrush should feel natural in the mouth that is not too small or too big so that you use it often. Additionally, the bristles should be soft, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Here you also have the option between the traditional brush and an electric one. The electric versions make it easier to do your job and are therefore recommended for people who have difficulty with their limbs or have special medical conditions such as arthritis.

Give It Time But Don't Overdo It.

Sometimes, we tend to brush our teeth for less than a minute before we rinse because we are in a hurry. However, this isn't enough time as needed to get the appropriate results. We recommend that people brush their teeth for at least three minutes. This will give you time to subdivide the mouth and work on different parts for a certain period. It's also important that you don't overdo the brushing. Intense brushing may cause the gums to be bruised, which may lead to cavities and infections.

Consider Your Products

Just as you are careful of the products you apply to your body, so should you with oral cleaning products. Kinds of toothpaste that control or brighten tartar can be very harsh on your teeth. Toothpaste with many whitening particles can also sand away tooth structure, resulting in tooth sensitivity and structural damage.
If you are looking to get the most out of your tooth brushing, or simply learn about quality oral care, call us today or book an appointment and we'll be glad to help.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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