We often answer patients' inquiries about the use of aspirin for toothache pain. Many people think placing aspirin on the gum will help reduce the pain. However, they should never do this because aspirin is highly acidic. In fact, aspirin is so acidic, it can actually erode tooth enamel. Therefore, you should swallow the aspirin whole with a glass of water.
How Aspirin Should Be Used
If you do use aspirin for toothache pain, you don't want to dissolve it in your mouth. One study with school children showed that the children who took aspirin with water and swallowed it showed no enamel damage. However, the children who chewed the aspirin, experienced enamel erosion. It also has been determined, because of aspirin's highly acidic nature, that the medicine irritates gum tissue. Therefore, placing aspirin on a toothache to reduce the pain actually does more harm than good. In fact, if your teeth are healthy, regularly chewing aspirin can cause tooth decay.
Other Alternatives
If you want to relieve tooth pain, you may also consider taking two Ibuprofen every four to six hours. This medicine also reduces inflammation. Therefore, it can give you the pain relief you need until we can see you and fill your tooth. If you do choose to take aspirin, again, swallow it. Place a warm cloth on your face next to the aching tooth to help minimize the pain.
Should you have any type of tooth pain, we invite you to contact us. We want you to get the best in dental care. Whether you need a check-up or a filling, give us a call. We can always fit you into our schedule. You should take any kind of tooth sensitivity seriously. It is easier to treat a small cavity now than treating a root canal later. Give us a call, regardless of your level of discomfort. A toothache never improves or gets better by itself. For more information about related services click the links below: Dental Crown Tooth Extraction Dental Exam Dental Filling Dental Sealants
Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693.
2875 Middlefield Rd, Suite #1 Palo Alto, CA 94306-2548