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How Long After Brushing Is It Safe to Eat?

Posted on 8/25/2019 by Shiv Sharma, DDS
How Long After Brushing Is It Safe to Eat?You've just brushed your teeth, so your mouth is feeling fresh and clean. However, just because you've recently removed bacteria and food particles from your teeth doesn't mean that you're safe to eat right away.

In fact, your teeth are likely in a vulnerable state from just being brushed, so it is always safe to wait at least 30-60 minutes before you eat again.

Wait at Least 30 Minutes to Eat

When it comes to the foods that you eat, not all are created equally in regard to oral health. To be safe, you should wait 30 minutes after you brush your teeth to eat. Even if you brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush, the enamel will be vulnerable to acid attacks that can wear away at the surface of the teeth.

Don't Brush Immediately After Eating, Either

Just like you shouldn't eat right after brushing, you should also wait to brush for at least 30-60 minutes after a meal. The pH of your mouth will change as you consume acidic foods and beverages, and this will put your enamel in a weakened state. If you brush during this time, you are essentially attacking your teeth with your toothbrush. This can lead to enamel erosion that may ultimately cause tooth decay.

What You Can Do
If you want to avoid enamel damage as a result of brushing too close to when you eat, try some other steps. Rinse your mouth out with water if you cannot brush, and chew some sugar-free gum. Both of these steps will help to reestablish a normal pH value in your mouth, which makes it safer for brushing.

Do you have questions about how to better care for your teeth? If so, call our office today to set up your next dental cleaning and evaluation.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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