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Home For Patients Dental Blog First Aid Kit For Your Teeth and Gums

First Aid Kit For Your Teeth and Gums

Posted on 3/1/2024 by Weo Admin
woman smiling in dental chairAs an adult, especially if you are a parent, you have to prepare for any emergency. You may have a fully stocked first aid kit ready to go. Have you ever thought about having an oral first aid kit? If you are active or you have children active in sports or recreation, you may need to plan for a dental first aid kit. Here are some suggestions.

What Are the Most Common Types of Dental Injuries?

There are several dental issues that you may be able to handle with a first aid kit initially. The most common dental issue is a toothache, which you may be able to solve temporarily by applying ice to the area. You can also floss between the teeth to make sure there is no food trapped between your gums causing the toothache. If you have a canker sore, saltwater rinses might help relieve the pain in your mouth. Saltwater rinses are good for any cut, scrape, or sore area. Also, if you or your child has a mouth injury due to sports, having an instant ice pack is a great way to both relieve pain and decrease the swelling.

What Should I Include in My Dental Aid Kit?

It is easy to prepare a small first aid for you and your family to use quite easily. One of the most important items in your dental first aid kit should be a dental mirror.

Dental mirrors allow you to look at any dental injuries close up to get a better idea of the extent of the injury. You may want to include dental floss for getting out trapped food and easing tooth pain. Pain relievers, such as analgesics, are also helpful for fighting pain.

Gauze or cotton balls are helpful for bleeding. One of the best supplies to include in your dental first aid kit is an instant ice bag. That way, you can apply it to an injured tooth or mouth no matter where you are.

If you think you may have an injured tooth or you are worried about a dental injury, we can help. Give our office a call today to set up an appointment.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health. Give us a call at (650) 321-9693 .

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Palo Alto Oral Health, 2875 Middlefield Rd Suite #1, Palo Alto, CA 94306 • (650) 321-9693 • paloaltooralhealth.com • 9/19/2024 • Page Keywords: dentist palo alto •